Capsicum annuum
This jumbo-sized hybrid jalapeño has fruits that are longer, thicker, and hotter than standard jalapeños! The large, 4 inch meaty peppers ripen to red upon full maturity, however, are usually used green for cooking. Mucho Nacho has a crisp, juicy bite with firm skin that won’t collapse. I like to freshly mince this pepper into salsas or slice it on top of nachos and hot dogs. This variety is the perfect jalapeño type pepper to satisfy your craving for hot, pungent spice without the extreme bite. The disease resistant plants are vigorous and high yielding. The perfect salsa has sweet, salty, and spicy flavors. Try different combinations of these to achieve salsa perfection: tomato, onion, pepper, garlic, salt, lime juice, vinegar, fresh parsley, cilantro, mint, basil, oregano, and pinches of sugar. Enjoy!
4,000-8,000 Scovilles
Full Sun
Plant 18″ Apart
70 Days Average to Maturity